Making many updates to the new web site
Check out the free Mp3's, and now you can even donate to help support my independent recording career [there is an extra surprise for you if you do!]
I am also working on getting the CGM PRODUCTIONS and MUSIC SHARE RECORDS section of the web site updated and loaded to the server. I have chosen to integrate all three site into one the URL.
So the CGM PRODUCTIONS site will be here and the same will go for MUSIC SHARE RECORDS . However, when you go to those pages it will look and feel like you have entered a new site, but actually you will never have left
That's about it for now...gotta get back to work!
Check out the free Mp3's, and now you can even donate to help support my independent recording career [there is an extra surprise for you if you do!]
I am also working on getting the CGM PRODUCTIONS and MUSIC SHARE RECORDS section of the web site updated and loaded to the server. I have chosen to integrate all three site into one the URL.
So the CGM PRODUCTIONS site will be here and the same will go for MUSIC SHARE RECORDS . However, when you go to those pages it will look and feel like you have entered a new site, but actually you will never have left
That's about it for now...gotta get back to work!