Monday, December 29, 2008

Sign of the times....

On our way back from Haliburton I noticed a real sign of the times....a GM dealership closed down an the land up for sale.

What made this even more interesting was that it was in an area [near Barrie Ontario] that is know for buying larger vehicles due to the winter climate. Yet, that dealership was out of business...

So will the "bailout" help GM...I doubt it but nonetheless it was sad to see anyway...

Dan Milligan

Just touched base with my old friend and illustrator Dan Milligan....what a talent and all round great guy. I have admired Dan's work since our jr. high school days and he continues to amaze me.

Check out his work here


Back from Haliburton...

Just got back from Haliburton Ontario spending Christmas with my beautiful wife Michelle and the kids.... we had a GREAT time skating, toboganing, swimming and check out the wicked northern Ontario sites...

A big highlight was the Wolf Observatory check it out here

I have a soft spot for these animals as I own an Alaskan Malamute named Thunder....

Hope you all had a rcokin Christmas.....and an even better New Year!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Latest News...

Sorry for the length of time between has been very busy lately. My father who was the main influence on my musical career while growing up in Toronto under went major heart surgery recently and much of my time lately has been spent helping him recover. I am happy to report he is doing well is is back home in Georgetown Ontario.

Well, I have begun recording my next CD entitled "Believe", although progress has been slow I am happy with what has been created thus far. And I am really looking forward to playing the songs "live" with the new lean and mean 4pc Chip Gall Band.

I am also working on a project as an outlet for the heavier side of my writing called "Glasgow". I am writing all of the guitar parts and leaving the bass guitar to Jeff Harris who is the very talented bass player in my live band. The melodies, lyrics and lead vocals will be written by my good friend Corey Blancher long time lead singer for the popular band Hypnotic Murmur. This [for now] will be a recording project only, however you may see a few live shows in 2009!

I am also working on an acoustic version of my debut CD Me, Myself & You! As some of you know I have been playing some solo acoustic shows and I just love it! So I thought why not record an acoustic version of the CD for those who aren't into the full onslaught of electric guitars. It really give the tunes a new flavor and opens new markets for my music to be heard as well.

I am also looking forward to doing some co-writing with the very talnted Larrie Blancher [Corey's twin brother]. Larrie fronts the band 13 Aces and has embarked ona solo career. I am very pumped at the prospect of wprking with Larrie and Cory as they are top notch musicians and writers.

That's it for to you all again soon!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I will be performing with SYRE at Norma Jeans in London Ontario on Nov 14th. The boys and I will be playing all your fav old SYRE tunes like Say Hi To My Girlfriend, In Your Eyes, Summertime and much more...don't this rare opportunity to see the SYRE boys in full flight....Special Guests: Krazy Tok!

In 2009 I will be launching the "new" web site which will not only contain my Official band information, it will also become a portal for the Empowerment and Development of Independent Recording Artists. I will be offering articles/tips on how to take your career to the next level, as well as affordable artist development services such as demo/full CD production, song reviews, live performance evaluation and a web music label community [Music Share Records] where musicians can share music with fans and equally share in the donation based income [I am really excited about this one...]

I am currently recording my follow up CD to Me, Myself & You! entitled "Believe" due for release fall 2008. I'm really excited about the progress so far...and can';t wait to play these tunes LIVE!!!!!Stay tuned for more info and maybe even a sneak peak or two.... ; )

Look for me to be playing solo acoustic shows at a venue near you! I'll be peforming all of the songs from my debut CD as well as some of your fav cover tunes....come on out and say hello!-

For the remainder of 2008 The Chip Gall Band will be continuing to perfrom live shows in support of Me, Myself & You! . In the new year we will be taering up stages in support of the new release "Believe" and headlining shows with some of our favorite bands....It's gonna be a great ending to 2008 and an even better new year...Hope to see you all soon!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008


After coming off two kickin' live shows, one at a private party [where I had the chance to chill out and perform acoustic versions of my songs] and a full band gig with my good friends 13 Aces at Charles Dickens Tavern, I am now finding some time to write and record my next indie release entitled "Believe".

I am planning on writing and recording over the next 8 weeks, completing the CD before the snow flies here in the Great White North. "Believe" [I hope] will be as successful if not more so than my debut release Me, Myself and You! With a mixture of POWERPOP rock that will take ya back to those days of crakin' the tunes and chillin' out in the summer sun. And yes there will be some of those introspective rock ballads ala PERFECT PICTURE and LIV.

I'm also working on my production company [CGM PRODUCTIONS] web site as well as my digital indie label MUSIC SHARE RECORDS.Both of which were put on the back burner for a while while I was playing live shows and writing my next CD. Just not enough time in a day I can find the under construction version of both site at and

Hey don't forget to check out my main web site at where you can pick up a copy of Me, Myself & You! and check out the latest new about live shows etc....


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Just a quick update after coming off a successful benefit show for Hanna Colton and infant recovering from a brain tumor. A great time was had by all in attendance and Hanna even made a special guest appearance at the show which was inspiring to say the least. After hearing what she had been through and seeing her smiling little face made any problems I may face seem trivial. I am wishing her a speedy recover and all the best for what I know will be a very bright future for this brave little girl.

This week I am preparing for a solo "Unplugged" acoustic show at a private party [invite only...sorry folks] held by the mom and step dad of 12 year old Jake Sterling who was tragically killed in a train accident in July of this year. I'm very excited about the prospect of performing more acoustic shows in the near future as they are so much more intimate and relaxing. I had a good warm up for this show after playing the grand opening of the new Academy of Music store in Tillsonburg this past weekend. Great time...lots of nice new gear in there just waiting for my credit card to attack! LOL Part of the performance was broadcast on 103.9 The Hawk, a local radio station who I left a CD with, so if you wanna hear Chip Gall on The Hawk call them or e-mail them and make a request at

That's it for now...hope to see you all soon!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Web Site Updates!

Making many updates to the new web site

Check out the free Mp3's, and now you can even donate to help support my independent recording career [there is an extra surprise for you if you do!]

I am also working on getting the CGM PRODUCTIONS and MUSIC SHARE RECORDS section of the web site updated and loaded to the server. I have chosen to integrate all three site into one the URL.

So the CGM PRODUCTIONS site will be here and the same will go for MUSIC SHARE RECORDS . However, when you go to those pages it will look and feel like you have entered a new site, but actually you will never have left

That's about it for now...gotta get back to work!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Welcome to my BLOG!

I'll be updating regularly with info regarding my recording career among other pontifications on the music biz and life in general.

Hopefully you will find this BLOG informative and participate regularly by posting your comments and thoughts.